Hygiene and Sanitation
Hygiene and sanitation are vital for a healthy community. With your valuable support, The Tafea Health Care Association Inc. is able to deliver the infrasture, treatment and education to continue to improve on hygiene and sanitation in Tafea Province.
We are endeavouring to educate the children and community to seek prompt health care at the Clinic for their cuts and wounds to promote healing.
To prevent the spread of head lice, clinic staff regularly shave the school children’s hair. At present we only have one set of hair clippers, charged and powered when the generator is turned on at the school. Consider donating money to purchase more!
After school break the kindy kids have a “swim”. They collect a bucket of water in pairs and receive a bar of soap and a towel from Tess and take a shower.
Tess, our nurse ensures that the Kindy to Year 4 children shower at least twice a week at school to keep their bodies and sores clean. The use is not restricted to just the children, with the whole community taking advantage of this important facility.
We have also distributed toothbrushes and toothpaste to the whole community to aid dental hygiene.

A big thank you to Toowoomba Rotary Australia and Mitsukaido Rotary Japan for their joint venture and generous support in providing the funds to construct the Clinic and adjoining shower facilities and the 3 rain tanks.
Other ways you can help: Sponsoring Care Packages
Care packages include general hygiene products such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, towels, facewashers, underwear, bandaids and antiseptic, which are packaged together for the children.
In preparation for the new Clinic, we are starting to think about items required to deliver health care in the modernised facility. IE Sheets, towels, lightweight washable pillows and doonas, together with blood pressure monitors, stethoscopes, sterilisation and cleaning items. For further advice and up-to-date needs in this area please contact carepackages@tafeahealth.com
We would welcome donations of these products directly, or by donating the funds to purchase or fund shipment to Tanna. We greatly appreciate your kindness and generosity.